[October Update: Remember how the media lied about Bernie? Hillary's minions have been twisting all our perceptions: Video of "Violent Bernie Bros"?]
(Forgive my superficiality: it's just a hormonal reflex, like my attraction to thickets of facial hair and to shirtless, sweaty construction workers.)
But hip girth isn't why I find Donald Trump repulsive.
Nonetheless, I may vote for tRump.
If our national hero Bernie Sanders is side-lined, electing Trump may be the only way to prevent entrenched corruption in our government from becoming completely intractable. We all know Clinton's propensity to break the law. On scrutiny, the devil we know is looking as neo-fascist as the insurgent devil.
Clinton's goons silence dissent; the real difference from Trump is that we liberal Bernie supporters aren't armed to defend ourselves from them.
Election fraud by the Democratic Party may not be worse than the GOP's. But it certainly isn't better. Hillary Clinton has adopted Machiavellian campaign tactics; evidently pilfered Bernie's database; hired a mercenary army of trolls to shut down democratic discourse; flaunted election violations in multiple states; and now her numbers look suspicious as hell. (See #ExitPollGate on Twitter.) At least Trump didn't rig voting machines.
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@LeeCamp documents #ElectionFraud |
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Clinton slush fund is NOT a charity |
Bernie's greatest appeal -- one reason he gets crowds of 10,000s where Clinton's lucky to get 200 -- is his insistence that we can revive real democracy. Rigged elections destroy the inclination for citizens to vote and -- unless they themselves are corrupt -- repels them from participating in our government.
However upbeat, idealistic and pure we'd prefer to remain, we need to take election fraud into account. That's why I'm trolling around with my petition and steeling myself to vote for Trump in November.
I'm not the only dedicated but anxious Bernie supporter who's starting to think this way:
Even Hillary Supporters Should Want Her Defeated: President tRump would cause liberal candidates to sweep the 2018 midterm elections.

Furthermore, checks and balances can rein in someone like him but not the juggernaut "Clinton Machine" and the bag of ruthless tricks on which Hillary Clinton relies. And he opposes toxic trade deals like the TPP.

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From "Never Hillary" on Facebook |
I'm a lifelong Democrat but as soon as the Primary's over I'll join the exodus of disgusted Bernie supporters. Schooled by Karl Rove and David Brock, the Democratic Party has grown as depraved as the Republican frat house. Clinton has slandered Bernie repeatedly including lying that he opposes Planned Parenthood (he has a 100 percent rating from them) and lying that he opposes gun control (he has a "D-" rating from the NRA.) Proven by the hacker Guccifer 2.0, the DNC's sabotaging Bernie Sanders is a direct attack on American democracy and, as such, amounts to treason. We must do everything possible to derail their toxic gravy train... including voting for the (racist, sexist, bizarre) Trump. Bite this bullet: think of the fun that comedians will have.
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It's wretched that Hillary Clinton stinks even worse. |
"I can stomach a bad election that gives us a bombastic billionaire buffoon as president" but not a lying criminal who knows better.
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Don't write-in Bernie: vote AGAINST Clinton |
Let's hope for a legitimate presidential election in 2020.
Of course I'd love a woman president. Or a guy... with snake hips.
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I'm a fake Trump supporter... | .......trolling to demoralize the Clinton Machine! |
"Hillary must be stopped, her corruption scares me more than Trump, Jill can't stop her."

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From Facebook "Dank Meme Stash" |

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From FB |