"If you are not sick, you should not wear a mask.....The
main driver of transmission is by directly inhaling droplets released
when an infected person sneezes or coughs in close proximity of another.
However, well or asymptomatic individuals are not coughing and
sneezing." ~
Vern Saboe Jr., DC, FACO
Some stores are taking a common-sense approach:
Many lawyers are stepping up to defend victims of mask edicts.
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Mike Yoder |
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Sabatini |
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Cain |
on our Constitutional rights.
Lawsuits state that the rights being violated fall under the Fourth Amendment (which protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure) and the Fifth Amendment (which protects against private property being taken for public use). The plaintiffs argue the state seized their property by shuttering them, taking them for the “asserted public use of risk minimization.”
Civil Rights Challenge to Unconstitutional Mask Mandate in Florida
States lack the authority to mandate masks anywhere but state property. Judge Napolitano told Fox News, “If a person is known to be contagious, the state could require that person to be quarantined or wear a mask, but anything short of that, the state cannot interfere with that person’s freedom….
“The federal government could compel wearing masks on federal property. A military facility, the post office, government buildings…. The state government could compel wearing masks on state property: the DMV, state colleges.... But on property that the government doesn’t own, the feds have no authority to compel wearing a mask, and the states can only compel it when people are sick.”
“In terms of police stopping you on the street or giving you a summons or a court imposing a fine, absolutely not,” Judge Napolitano concluded. “First of all, these mayors and gubernatorial edicts are just suggestions. They are not the law.”
Masks are the inch before the mile, using covid as an excuse for the globalist Deep-State cabal to mandate more vaccines. Never mind that it's well documented that masks don’t even reduce infections. "Masks are a petri dish strapped to your face!"
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WHO? |
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Remember this? |
Why yes, I have been licensed by my State Medical Board since the 1980s. And I'm printing the following flyer out for folks who don't want to be suffocated to satisfy tyrants' lust for power!
"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter
and GAB
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More citizens' wisdom from Facebook:
"I am in a state that has a treasonous governor who issued a face
mask executive order. Stores are posting signs that say "face mask is
required to enter."
So ... I went to a store. Face mask
signs plastered on the front doors (lots of them). I walked in.
Everybody had on a face mask. Workers, customers. Everybody.
Except me.
I just went about my business. Got my stuff. The cashier checked me out. Paid. Walked out. Nobody said a damn thing.
A few customers looked at me like a 5-year old who wanted to tell mommy
about what I was doing (or not doing), but nobody said anything. The
cashier was super friendly and said nothing at all about face masks.
Before I went, I was prepared, just in case --
I went to the gov's website and printed out the EO. I read it. You should, too, if you are in one of these states.
I highlighted important parts and put it in my pocket, so I would have
it if I wanted to show it to someone. Here are the relevant parts:
Some people are completely exempt from the EO. This includes any
person with a medical condition where wearing a face mask could pose a
health risk (this is everybody, actually, since we all need to breathe
oxygen, not carbon dioxide -- funny how the retarded climate change
hoaxers are totally cool with everyone breathing their own carbon
Business cannot ask me what my medical condition is.
Business cannot violate any law related to discrimination, which would trump the EO (all laws trump the EO).
Police cannot use the EO as a reason to violate any individual's
constitutional rights (this is the weasel clause used to try to cover
the governor's ass for pushing an unconstitutional, unlawful order, such
as the EO).
Maximum fine is $100. Even this is irrelevant
because governors do not have authority to create these "laws," much
less impose a fine. That is the legislature's job.
In the USA,
the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, "anything in the laws
of any state to the contrary not withstanding." - Article 6
No person may be "deprived of liberty without due process of law." - 5th Amendment
No state may deprive any person of liberty without due process of law. - 14th Amendment
Every person's liberty is infringed where they are required to wear a
mask, which harms their health, unless it is proven in a court of law
(due process) that they are IN FACT (not just in theory) that they ARE
(not just "might be") a danger to others without such infringement.
Ultimately, there is a maximum fine of $100, and that case would never
make it to court in the first place. The charges would be dropped,
because even the dumbass attorneys know they can't prosecute such a
DO NOT WEAR A MASK. If it is a condition of your employment, then maybe you gotta do what you gotta do. Other than that,
"just say no."
BTW: Executive orders are for the purpose of
directing the EMPLOYEES of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the government to
carry out some policy of the chief executive (President on the federal
side, and the governors on the state side). Read any of Trump's EO's and
you will see that the order is ALWAYS directed at the people working in
the executive branch of the federal government, and no one else. Not
the legislative branch. Not the judicial branch. Not the states. Not the
People. Only the employees working in the executive branch of the
federal government. That is the ONLY authority that a president or a
governor has when issuing executive orders. Governors are not dictators,
and they cannot violate their oath of office by pretending to be. That
is why the weasel clause about individual rights and the constitution is
buried at the end of the EO. It is a CYA clause, in case the gov gets
These governors are violating their oaths' of office -- IF
these EO's are actually legally enforced. And if they are not enforced,
they are committing fraud through intimidation.