[ November Update: Hillary lost and this is why ]
Did you feel a loss of innocence this election year? Not only do
we see the Emperor naked, we see him dancing on a
stripper pole...
drone-killing children in our name... and promoting the
Jabba the Hutt of
corrupt politicians
fracking our delicate planet.
What's a polite term for
Hillary Clinton's S#!T List? At any rate,
her Sh--List has been documented since her husband was President: I
first read about it in the old insider novel about the Clintons,
Primary Colors.” Clintons keep track of who slights them (or
licks their boots) to ensure what lawyers call Quid Pro Quo, although
in the Clintons' case it's apparently “cross me and I'll f** you
Thanks to Hillary's campaign, We the People have inadvertently
amassed our own Sh--List. Many of us started it when the
establishment Democratic Party structured the primary
debates to
prevent anyone from actually seeing Bernie Sanders on television.
“Who is this
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and why do I have to tune in
at 4AM on a Sunday to get informed about the candidates?” CNN and
MSNBC were next on our list when we saw how biased their affiliated
debate moderators were. “Rachel Maddow used to be progressive, and
now she's a shameless reactionary corporate shill,” we noticed.
Unions like
AFL-CIO, why allow members to vote? Instead their
managements endorse the status-quo elitist Clinton who opposed the $15 Minimum wage before she flipflopped and again opposed the $15 Minimum wage.
Organizations we'd respected lined up to compete for the
Credibility Lost prize. "Human Rights
Campaign" endorsed Clinton even
though she'd been the last moderate in America to condone gay
marriage, never mind her admiration for Nancy Reagan's attitude
toward AIDS victims which was, “Let them die.”
Easier to comprehend was Planned Parenthood and NARAL opposition
to Bernie Sanders: Bernie's Medicare-for-All universal healthcare
would eliminate the need for dedicated abortion providers.
And also
Clinton is an abortion of feminism. Yet feminists like Gloria Steinem pretended Clinton was
accomplishing something for women beyond being USA's Margaret
Thatcher-Lite. For the record, #ImWithHer, it isn't feminist to
shriek “sexism” when Bernie looks side-eyed at a lying
politician. Nor is it feminist to supply bombs (in exchange for
cash to the Clinton Foundation) to Saudi Arabia, a despotic kingdom known
for imprisoning women for driving a car. [
Side note: Madeleine
Albright has a special place in Hell.]
Bernie Sanders has been a Civil-Rights hero since 1963; Rep. John Lewis disgraced his own legacy to swiftboat Bernie & sell out to corporate masters.
Hillary Clinton exploited the children murdered at
Sandy Hook in
order to lie about Bernie's NRA record.
Hillary Clinton exploited the children murdered at Sandy Hook in order to lie about Bernie's NRA record. Yes, Hillary exploited
murdered... in
order for her to LIE......
George Clooney
fundraises for Clinton, fully aware that buying government influence
at $353 Thousand a pop is obscene. Does Clooney care that cash like that is apparently buying not just the election, but election fraud?
It's easy to point at transgressions. But can you prove the
absence of something? Mainstream media sure did. The “
BernieBlackout” rolled over America as if the power grid only lit up for
the economic 1%. New York Times avoided his name except to
smear him, even editing a published article;
we got a screengrab of the before-and-after. NYTimes paved the way for
spin and outright lies to become normal “journalism.”
Washington Post (owned by
Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com) became a
laughingstock when they published
sixteen anti-Sanders hit-pieces in
sixteen hours. Even British news sources BBC and the
Guardian vied to
maintain the status quo for income inequality and social injustice by
deleting any positive reflections on Bernie, so by the time he was
invited to speak at the Vatican, his supporters were used to
scrambling to get the real story online from working-class rags like
the UK's
Daily Mail. Most shocking/not-shocking was that
NPR (Public Broadcasting System & National Public Radio) are in
the pocket of the rich and are not actually public at all, unless by
“public” you mean “puppeted by the
Koch Brothers and pushing
oligarchy in between greenwashed puff pieces.”
Truly surprising was you and me getting censored by
Twitter. “Why
isn't my tweet in my friend's feed?” It's chillingly personal when
corporate suffocation of my voice is proven by a blank screenshot.
Twitter Corporation is owned (and pwned) by millionaires who support
WhichHillary and #
WhichHillaryCensored and #
Tweet #ExitPollGate & I follow you |
suppresses searches for Bernie Sanders and
hides negative
information to
sway voters.
Google's owners are
tight with Clinton. Old-fashioned fascism was strong-armed control of
information, but our reliance on the
internet makes brute force
Wikileaks warns about Google-brand fascism]
[Side note: if you now want to bing what DuckDuckGo is, yahoo!!!]
The Sierra Club endorsed Clinton who promotes
fracking worldwide,
speeding Climate Change disasters and causing mass extinction. Professional liars Obama/Clinton push TPP, blind-siding our control of corporate pollution.
Yes, Democrats are no longer "good guys." It was like blue icing on a cake: "Unite Blue" became a trolls' and bot's cry to blue-wash
election fraud. Ask a blue careerist about
rigged voting machines and they'll shriek either "tinfoil hats" or distract with a smoke-bomb of "TRUMP!TRUMP!

Spineless politicians like Ron Wyden endorsed Clinton even though a majority of his constituents voted Sanders. Wall-Street reformer Elizabeth Warren
destroyed her reputation by
endorsing Wall Street's most craven
enabler, Hillary Goldman Sachs.
In related news,
Nevada-Convention bully Barbara Boxer “
fears for her life” while
she flips us off. Nancy Pelosi is scum. Jerry Brown, bite me. Howard Dean sucks, whereas Barney Frank, you blow.
Do citizens of America get respect when we stand up for democracy?
We're trying to return some dignity and even integrity to the
government for which we pay with our tax dollars. Yet even
progressive entertainers like John Oliver, Stephen Colbert and
BillMaher see fit to take cheap shots and kick “the little people”
while we're down. They patronize us? I no longer patronize their
shows. Enough is enuf.
"Mother Jones" shills for election fraud |
Who stuck with us? Danny DeVito, Tulsi Gabbard, Dick Van Dyke, Susan
Sarandon, Shailene Woodley, Tim Black, Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover, Red Hot Chili
Lee Camp, Nina Turner, Tim Robbins, Rosario Dawson, Shaun King, Frances Fisher, Ben & Jerry, Cornel West, Killer Mike, Viggo Mortensen, National Nurses United and several other truly united Unions...
Wikileaks ... so many woke folks...
[July 12 Update: revise Bernie's status to Emeritus starting today!]
Thank you, HEROES! You are champions of human decency!
[To any spineless, lukewarm fence-sitters who stay silent while democracy's
murdered in our country: we SEE you.]
Back now to
traitors and slime. To summarize, please boycott:
Google (also owns Youtube)
New York Times
Washington Post
AP (Associated Press)
NPR (Nat'l Public Radio, AKA Nat'l Petroleum Radio)
George Clooney
Sierra Club
Union management/AFL-CIO
Establishment Democrats/Superdelegates
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Howard Dean
Barbara Boxer
Nancy Pelosi
Diane Feinstein
Andrew Cuomo
Harry Reid
Jerry Brown
Jeff Merkley
Ron "TPP" Wyden
Madeleine Albright
Emily's List
Mainstream media, aka M$M
Rachel Maddow
Jeff Bezos
Daily Kos & Markos Moulitsas
Mother Jones
Yahoo "News"
Gloria Steinem
Al Franken
Jesse Jackson
Paul Krugman
Nicholas Kristof
This pack of Clinton insiders
Rep.John Lewis
Barney Frank
Will Ferrell
Michael Moore
Jimmy Fallon
Sarah Silverman
Steven Spielberg
Morgan Freeman
Katy Perry
Chelsea Handler
Ambassador to Narnia Stephen Colbert
Eric Schmidt, Larry Page
and Sergey Brin
Human Rights Campaign
Planned Parenthood
2017 Update: we still SEE you! |
Joe Biden
Elizabeth Warren
Shillery Goldman Sachs
President Barack Obama
You are traitors to democracy and a disgrace to humanity. We
the People say SHIT on you!
Besides boycotting the above, what do I think is the next step?
Fight shit with shit.
#NeverHillary #HillaryForPrison #BernieOrBust #BernieOrBastille #FeelTheBERN #DemsNeverSat 4 #ElectionFraud
V.C. Bestor endorses the People and all other species. She's
Director of
@VCBestor (but promise you won't give Twitter your ad dollars!)
Phony lying traitors to the American People |