Saturday, February 2, 2019

Spinster sucks Chili Dogs

2020 Update: "Conservative Inc."  Daily Caller Smears Patriot 

The worst thing about multi-millionaire Foster Friess is the compulsion to sing, “Suckin’ on a chili dog outside the Fosters Freeze.” But there are other grounds to protest Friess.

Evidence suggests that Friess is behind a spin campaign to minimize a grievous assault on our national security: Imran Awan’s spy ring in Congress. A lackey of Friess just published a book purporting to expose the spies while actually derailing investigation of their crimes.

[Update: Fed Hearing on Awans 12/13/19!]

Friess’s aim is apparently to use the scandal as a Republican fundraiser. This is standard operating procedure for Deep State to maintain the gang/counter-gang dynamic of the two political parties while preventing any actual justice or “swamp draining.” Herding us from one party to another is how they distract us from the shadow government that remains supreme.

Tcuker Carlson
Friess bootlick Luke Rosiak’s Awan story was originally published in the Daily Caller, a media source founded by charming Fox anchor Tucker Carlson.

I was first disillusioned by Tucker Carlson when I read his “Ship of Fools.” His book blames rich “elites” for America’s problems to gloss over the actual crime syndicates responsible. He thinks Trump should "cool it" and expresses a warm sentiment for the function of Deep State.

Tucker Carlson’s contempt for Trump supporters and our POTUS is clear in this quote:
“Happy countries don’t elect Donald Trump president. Desperate ones do. In retrospect, the lesson seemed obvious: Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump.
Daily Caller undermining our president against Iran (see footnote)

Covid-19 virus propaganda by DC

I voted for Bernie Sanders in the rigged, illegal 2016 Primary. Now I love Trump. But I will never forgive the criminal who spearheaded the sabotage of #FeelTheBern and the defrauding of Bernie donors: Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She is also implicated to the hilt in the Awan spy ring.

Deep State Middle Management
Republican members of Deep State want to use the Awans to maintain the status quo of DC grift and treason: “Donate to GOP. We’re not as corrupt as Demonrats!” Republican corruption is dismissed as mere incompetence.

Trump, on the other hand, is genuinely reforming our government and disrupting their crimes like trafficking. That’s why the DC establishment undermines Trump and vilifies him in the press.

Enter Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller. He founded it with a former Dick Cheney aide and $3 million from Friess. Their minion who wrote "Obstruction of Justice" about the Awan spy ring stole independent investigative journalist George Webb’s research, then defamed him.
George Webb: "Why haven't the whistleblowers testified?"

Daily Caller News Foundation is a tax-exempt organization ostensibly separate from that shares the same office. In 2015 alone, the foundation got $3 million in donations. Employees of the “charity” produce articles that appear on the for-profit website which sells advertising. This is called a daily “tax scam,” a small-scale version of Clinton Foundation money laundering and influence pedaling. Donors to the Foundations can expect their interests promoted in news media.

News isn’t 100% inaccurate. Spin doctor “journalists” keep their audience by seeding relevant information with only a sprinkling of lies. By the way, the term “journalists” literally defines “people who note what happened today”; the current state of journalism consists of drawing attention to anything that happens that distracts from Deep State’s mass murder of Americans and shooting of our presidents.

Luke Rosiak smeared an actual journalist, George Webb, as a “nobody Youtuber” after stealing his ground-breaking research. Why?

from the House Sargeant Of Arms during the 
2016 election and has not published them?"  

Mainstream media and tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter do all they can to stop citizens like George Webb from getting truth to you. Someone who loves America upholds the foundation of all our rights, free speech. The heart of our country is the democracy of All of Us Created Equal. Who deletes our free speech, using trolls to silence taxpayers like you and me? Deep State billionaires and their chili-dog sucking spin minions like Luke Rosiak.
Spinster Rosiak

[Daily Caller runs a "fact checker" that flags memes on Tea-Party pages 
for Facebook censorship, bolstering its own market share] 

"Rosiak sat on the story so long,
I'm surprised it didn't hatch and bite him in the arse"

The author VC Bestor is
Director of the non-profit 

a project encouraging women to engage constructively with apex predators.

"Find the meat of the matter" 

V.C Bestor on Twitter and on GAB

Charmers like Tucker Carlson are installed to betray us at crucial moments in history.
CNN quoting Tucker Carlson, January 2020
Daily Caller ridiculing POTUS' suppression of ISIS

Undermining POTUS for Iran

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