Thursday, May 23, 2019

Seditious Hunters become the Hunted


Are the tables turned in the Obama administration's attack on democracy? 
Here's the latest on SpyGate, in a thread by author Paul Sperry:

"Obama administration used the prospect of the Russian government interfering in the 2016 election as an excuse to interfere in the election itself."

Sperry continues,

Remember the scandalous report the British gov't put out on Iraq "Weapons of Mass Destruction"  which became known as the [2003] "Dodgy Dossier"? Yeah, well, a redux of that scandal is about to break loose. Only this dodgy dossier involves a different kind of frame-up, designed to attack Brexit and Trump nationalism. 

"The Obama administration exaggerated Russian interference in the 2016 election to create a pretext to investigate the Trump campaign and transition. Mueller's office continued the exaggeration to keep the justification for FBI/DOJ overstepping their authority alive.

"Justice Dept. sources say  prosecutor John Durham is also targeting the CIA and its role in the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, and that former CIA Director John Brennan's machinations during the 2016 campaign will come into sharper focus."

[My personal nickname for the whole Spygate #BlameRussia hoax has been #CIAcoup.]

"The investigation of the investigators is expanding to include the US Embassies in Kiev and London, as the Obama State Department's role in the scandal mushrooms.

"FISA abuse by the Obama FBI/DOJ does not begin & end with the Carter Page FISA applications. Electronic surveillance was also ordered under false pretenses on other Trump officials, including Flynn, Papadopoulos & Manafort..... There's no way in hell the former AG & FBI director used state surveillance powers to spy on 4+ members of the opposing presidential campaign without Obama authorizing it or at least knowing about it.

"Note which intelligence agency is missing from POTUS memo directing cooperation with Barr. Right, the NSA. That's because the NSA has been fully cooperating, including its former director under Obama.

"Several witnesses and targets in Mueller investigation complain the federal grand jury which his prosecutors impaneled in the District of Columbia was composed primarily of African-American jurors who appeared "angry" and held an intense anti-Trump bias.... Just 34% of voters know that the Steele dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.  You can thank the Beltway media for this national ignorance. They covered up Hillary's role. Knew about it during the campaign. Buried it.

"Mueller uncovered evidence that Kremlin-tied officials tried to develop contacts with BOTH the Trump campaign & the Clinton campaign during the 2016 election, yet Mueller only investigated the efforts to reach out to the Trump campaign, not the Clinton campaign. 

"Mueller spent roughly a third of his report & investigation -- including FBI interviews, grand jury testimony, subpoenas, search warrants, national security letters -- on Trump transition period & Trump foreign policymaking. Why? This was outside the scope of his mandate which was 2016 campaign."

FROM THE MUELLER REPORT: “Putin spoke of the difficulty faced by the Russian government in getting in touch with the incoming Trump Administration” and that Putin "generally did not know the people around the President-elect.” Mueller knew early on (from Kushner & Hicks emails) that Trump campaign and transition had no back channel to Kremlin: Kushner couldn't recall Russian ambassador's name, and Hicks hung up on Russian Embassy.

"Judicial Watch is suing the Justice Department to obtain all of Special Counsel Mueller's contracting records with private firms during 22-month probe, including any payments to Steele/Orbis, Fusion GPS or its subcontractors. DOJ had refused to provide the data under FOIA.

"First batch of POTUS declassification said to include FBI docs of recorded conversations exculpating Papapopoulos & Page -- prior to FBI going for FISA warrant based on their alleged conspiracy.

"POTUS declassification memo also prevents FBI, CIA and DOJ Nat'l Security Div from continuing to prevail in invoking 'sources and methods' as a way to hide 2016 intelligence activities disclosures should AG Barr decide to overrule such redactions" 

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[How Trump won an election rigged against him]

VC Bestor is Director of the non-profit

a project encouraging women to engage constructively with apex predators.
"Find the meat of the matter"

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