Truth is far stranger than fiction so let's ease you into this.
sixteen-year-old boy was glad the CIA men acted friendly. The
barrel-chested one told him to sit on the toilet lid. Then the agent
put a striped plastic cape on Randy and, holding a bottle, brushed
dye into the boy’s hair. The smell was unpleasant like floor
cleaner. “Sit still while it soaks in,” the man said. “Don’t
get any in your eyes. This stuff can blind you.”
Though his scalp started to
sting, Randy waited obediently, his mind repeating instructions.
Finally the agent signaled him to go lean over the bathroom sink,
admonishing, “Keep your eyes shut!” The flood of warm water was a
relief as it rinsed the black dye in a swirl down the drain. Randy
stayed bent forward at the waist as the man turned off the water and
rubbed some cream on Randy’s head. Then he washed the cream out
too, his strong fingers rubbing roughly but not cruelly. Randy
sighed: part of him remembered being tortured and so was grateful to
the stocky man for causing no pain.
The second man laid a
military uniform on the bed then casually polished some black dress
shoes with a white handkerchief. He didn’t talk to Randy but was
gentle as he helped the boy get dressed, fastening the brass buttons
from Randy’s chest to his groin, straightening the gold braid, and
nodding with a smirk of satisfaction at the results.
The thick-set agent beside him looked pleased as well. Randy felt as if the black dye in his hair made people treat him better. Some time later, he was owned by a six-year-old girl whom he loved. The mother, on the other hand, hated the beautiful child for resembling her blond father who’d been unfaithful. “Dye Angie’s hair black,” Randy suggested to the older woman. Black hair might protect the little girl the way it had briefly shielded him from harm.
The thick-set agent beside him looked pleased as well. Randy felt as if the black dye in his hair made people treat him better. Some time later, he was owned by a six-year-old girl whom he loved. The mother, on the other hand, hated the beautiful child for resembling her blond father who’d been unfaithful. “Dye Angie’s hair black,” Randy suggested to the older woman. Black hair might protect the little girl the way it had briefly shielded him from harm.
No-one punched or gagged him
for several hours after his hair was dyed; they just handcuffed a
briefcase to his wrist and told him to stay at President Reagan’s
side. Others in the President's entourage even greeted him with
respect. No-one asked, "Who are you? Where's Lieutenant Colonel
Muratti?" They just said, "Good afternoon."
off I was sold to [Angelina Jolie’s] mother prior to being used for
the shooting. I was a slave to Angie before I was MKUltra by the CIA.
just have everything wrong. I wasn't dressed by anybody. I was given
a military uniform and put it on myself. The hair might have been a
spray used not a hair dye, I still need to recall the memories so
it's accurate.
I know hair spray was used on me in the photo of me and Angie on the bed so they may have used a hair spray instead of hair dye. Like I said, I need to recoup my memories.
Not sure where you are going with protecting a little girl by dying her hair to protect her? I helped [her mother] Marcheline dye Angie's hair dark so when Marcheline looked at Angie she didn't remind her of [Jon]Voight.
Remove the “16 year old was glad they were being friendly,” they weren't friendly they were cold and commanding, programming me while my hair was dyed. The old lady dying my hair was cold like she was doing a job she didn't enjoy. A bathroom sink wasn't used, they had a barbershop inside or salon type setting in the whitehouse, they had a sink they placed my head under like in a barbershop. Again it was a women who did the hair dying and cutting, she was cold and must have been a military woman as she seemed unhappy about being forced to do it.
Most of those in the group knew what was going to happen, they told me to not get to close to Reagan just stay behind him. Reagan noticed I wasn't his regular aide and started to ask me something but one of the men there drew his attention away and after that he didn't bother with me or ask anything.
I am not sure what makes you think you can start making up a story surrounding what I went though? I wasn't punched by men before I was sent to pose as Reagan's aide. Iwas MKUltra. My alternate [personality] went along with whatever they told him to do. The drug used also made this easy for them as you do not question what you are told to do. Please do not make some story up based on my life and the trauma and horrors I went through. My story will be told but it will be told the way it happened and not in a fictional story.
I know hair spray was used on me in the photo of me and Angie on the bed so they may have used a hair spray instead of hair dye. Like I said, I need to recoup my memories.
Not sure where you are going with protecting a little girl by dying her hair to protect her? I helped [her mother] Marcheline dye Angie's hair dark so when Marcheline looked at Angie she didn't remind her of [Jon]Voight.
Remove the “16 year old was glad they were being friendly,” they weren't friendly they were cold and commanding, programming me while my hair was dyed. The old lady dying my hair was cold like she was doing a job she didn't enjoy. A bathroom sink wasn't used, they had a barbershop inside or salon type setting in the whitehouse, they had a sink they placed my head under like in a barbershop. Again it was a women who did the hair dying and cutting, she was cold and must have been a military woman as she seemed unhappy about being forced to do it.
Most of those in the group knew what was going to happen, they told me to not get to close to Reagan just stay behind him. Reagan noticed I wasn't his regular aide and started to ask me something but one of the men there drew his attention away and after that he didn't bother with me or ask anything.
I am not sure what makes you think you can start making up a story surrounding what I went though? I wasn't punched by men before I was sent to pose as Reagan's aide. Iwas MKUltra. My alternate [personality] went along with whatever they told him to do. The drug used also made this easy for them as you do not question what you are told to do. Please do not make some story up based on my life and the trauma and horrors I went through. My story will be told but it will be told the way it happened and not in a fictional story.
I apologized to Randy.
are trying to sort out his memories and
gather more evidence that
his allegations are true. The most solid proof we have is the fact
that, even decades later, Randy Turner is still the spitting image
of whoever carried
the nuclear codes for Reagan when the president was shot. Randy says
he was disguised (with dyed hair) to look like the regular aide, Lt.
Col. Jose A. Muratti, who normally carried the “atomic football”
when Reagan was outside the Oval Office.
can easily see in video from the 1981 event that whoever was
pretending to be Muratti did not have the build or bearing of the
thirty-nine year-old military professional who towered over
the 6’1’’ Reagan in a formal photo. Unless someone has now
tampered with them, the 1981 videos show a slim teenager panicking
when Randy ran away from the shooting scene. News media claimed the
patrol car door “wasn’t
when police tried to put Hinckley in the back seat; Randy alerts
us to what, for decades, almost no-one considered an essential
detail: you can see someone in the cruiser’s back seat reach over
and lock the door.
video showing me in the back seat of the patrol car, that was covered
up completely…… was one of the main things that helped me win
the [court]case. The mainstream media said the door lock was broken,
they never said anybody was in the back seat yet you can clearly see
somebody was and that was me.
Randy had been told to stick
by the president. So, when he realized what had happened, he asked
the police to take him to the hospital. Instead he was taken to the
local precinct. In interrogation, they tried to force the boy to hand
over the nuclear codes. An officer there who roughed Randy up was
possibly killed when the boy grabbed the man’s gun: Randy’s
memory is that the death was covered up and the cop’s wife “paid
off [with a pension] to say he was transferred to Texas where he
joined the Marshal service or something like that and got killed on
the job. This was to cover up me shooting him because at the time I
was MKUltra mind controlled.” Randy also said,
problem is all those people at the scene when Reagan was shot at were
paid off to cover up what was done to me. Those were all the major
broadcast stations in the US at the time.
media has not become less corrupt over time. In August 2017, we had a
hard time getting any coverage
when Randy publicly disclosed his involvement in the Reagan shooting.
Of course his story was so sensational, at first even I scoffed.
Still, I supported him. I’d blogged about victims similar to him.
As soon as I stumbled on him in a Facebook forum, I forwarded his
information to “Crowdsource the Truth” but felt resigned when
that reporter showed no interest. Many of us at that point were
hanging all our hopes on “AwanGate”
– the foreign spy ring in Congress – to topple the massive crime
syndicate that had a stranglehold on our country.
A few weeks later, Randy commented on a Facebook post of mine. I’d been complaining about a specific politician and Randy said, “I know him.” His point was that top power brokers are all guilty of the same crimes and depravity. But what stopped me in my tracks was Randy’s assertion that he’d met Donald Trump. Suddenly I woke up. Who was Randal Turner? He’d just posted reasonably professional videos that explained his bizarre situation and substantiated his most basic claim. How was this possible? Why were the irregularities around the shooting of President Reagan not yet public knowledge?
Online activists shared
Randy’s videos to little fanfare. Though a few nobodies like me
blogged or vlogged about the new allegations, even alternative media
mostly ignored the topic. If they acknowledged our tweets, emails and
other messages exhorting them to address the Reagan shooting, some
media “revolutionaries” claimed the information was too dangerous
for them to possess. “That sort of stuff gets people killed!”
Randy himself admitted the
do you have any idea who runs this operation of pedophiles
and criminals? You realize when I name names and go on video telling
the whole story that my life will be over? They are all around us,
law enforcement, lawyers, doctors, mainstream media, Hollywood, the
US Gov etc. I need to think of how I can survive when I do go public
with everything.
All I knew was that Randy had
no choice but to go public. Sunlight is more than a disinfectant. Now
that he’d “broken his programming” and was no longer an MKUltra
slave, Randy was in the most peril; while his history was secret, his
testimony – and he – could easily be obliterated. We had to act
not now, when? If not me, who? Feigning bravado, I made
confident-sounding assertions that my friends and I might be able to
keep Randy safe till he disappeared into a sort of grassroots witness
protection program. I felt morally obliged to plant that scenario in
his mind. Although I admitted I’m just an old cat lady, I didn’t
mention that I’d spent the past eight years consciously expending
my social capital in service to crusades like, for instance, my
ecology non-profit.
I’d alienated a lot of Hillary-Clinton supporters by reviling her
2016 felony election fraud. I’d offended many (snowflake) defenders
of the status quo who had once been my friends. Idealism drove me.
Why let reality stop me now? I just couldn’t let the worst
destroyers of democracy get away with all their
crimes. By this point, I’d grown appalled at Randy’s situation. I
expressed the will to do anything within my capability to help him.
He grumbled,
know you say you and your posse will take care of me but I'm not
interested in sleeping on somebody’s couch the rest of my life.
My vision dimmed of him holed
up in a trailer somewhere in the Oregon rainforest, tending goats or
bunnies while Oath Keepers and hippies brought him food and magazines
and video games. My charming fantasy of a Randy Underground Railroad
was derailed.
we can get some of the celebrities I helped in the past to come out
and testify that my story is true.
would only take one celebrity to make Randy's testimony go viral so
that vital support would be more of a flood than the current drip-drip. I
argued, “I understand the complexity of the situation.” Could he
afford to be choosy? I didn't understand why he wasn't afraid of the criminal syndicate who'd tortured him. “The issue is that you have one person with
resources who will help you in any way possible, versus some
hoped-for media personality who has lots of money to give you but
probably will sell out to the cabal scum and bury your story. I know
I'm risking my life for you. Your days may be numbered. Let's get you
in the safest situation right now, instead of catastrophizing that
you'll be on a couch the rest of your life!”
I started begging him to come
to my house. For seventeen years, I’d lived on a rural dead end
where unsavory characters would probably be noticed. The neighbors
knew me as a good citizen; at least one of them might protest if my
house were attacked even by seemingly legitimate law enforcement.
I envisioned Randy safe in my
guest room while some real writer wrote a book about him.
Yet my supplications to
published authors bore no fruit. Was the task up to me? I’d written
extensively on behalf of ecofeminism (I know, right?) but
surely wasn’t qualified or disciplined enough to tackle this
project, with its sensitive subjects and legal repercussions. My
blogs about Randy did get about ten thousand views in August and
September. We sent the links to everyone we could think of.
Nonetheless, we’d had no luck convincing anyone with a reputation
to gamble that precious currency – prestige – on the story of the
Randy kept cajoling alt-media
reporters to interview him:
who is anybody in Hollywood knows who I am and the same goes for
politics. My story is much more outrageous than just what you have
seen in my videos. There are people in Hollywood who are not
pedophiles by choice which I would be glad to explain if you are
interested in my full story and putting your skills to the test. I
have more evidence but can't publicize it for good reason which I
will explain if you want to know the truth.
referred to what is known as the Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up. In a
book and his public speaking, Nebraska Senator John DeCamp championed
the victims to decry a crime ring that involved at least one satanic
ritual murder of a child. Former FBI Regional Director from Los
Angeles, Ted Gunderson, corroborated the horrors. In a 1994
documentary that was successfully suppressed for years, Conspiracy of Silence,
a witness, Paul Bonacci, exposed the violent elite pedophilia that
riddles our government. Bonacci’svideotaped testimony described an
incident in a cabin.
Randy Turner said,
was one of the teens they used when Paul Bonacci was there. I met
Paul and was one of the kids with him when the event he is talking
about happened, they sodomized me and tossed me around like a sack of
potatoes then threw me to the ground and fired a gun at me.
Randy had some doubts about
Paul Bonacci that inadvertently reinforced the credibility of Randy’s
own memories: in videos, Bonacci seemed to summon an alternate
personality voluntarily, while Randy insisted such an act was beyond
the control of an MKUltra slave. “Bonacci is only pretending to be
Given what Randy himself had
endured, it wasn’t my place to defend Bonacci as another brutalized
victim who could be forgiven any possible dissembling.
The CIA mind-control
techniques are specifically designed to drive enslaved children past
the limits of desperation, using torture to cause dissociation and
fragment their minds into alternate personalities. These “alternates”
the CIA agents then program to perform specialized tasks like sex,
memorization, or murder. Each activity may be controlled by an
individual handler who’s imprinted on the child. For instance, some
researchers believe that Barack Obama’s main handler is Valerie
Randy says, "Obama was one of the teenagers used at the White House like me. His Grandfather was part of their secret society."
Needless to say, the brainwashing process can be baroque. Though torture has been used to enslave people since time immemorial, the CIA’s program owes details of its science to the Nazi maniac Dr. Josef Mengele. MK-Ultra,a name first used in 1953, is reportedly an abbreviation of the German “Mind Kontrolle.” Mengele may have been intimate with the architects of the CIA program and was possibly even spirited into America under their “Operation Paperclip” program to incorporate seven hundred and sixty-five Nazi scientists into our “intelligence community.” Any atrocity at that time was rationalized by the Cold War: a communist threat took priority over the laws of the United States Constitution. At any rate, Mengele’s victims usually died but the CIA couldn’t be quite so prodigal. CIA at least needed a veneer of respectability.
Randy says, "Obama was one of the teenagers used at the White House like me. His Grandfather was part of their secret society."
Needless to say, the brainwashing process can be baroque. Though torture has been used to enslave people since time immemorial, the CIA’s program owes details of its science to the Nazi maniac Dr. Josef Mengele. MK-Ultra,a name first used in 1953, is reportedly an abbreviation of the German “Mind Kontrolle.” Mengele may have been intimate with the architects of the CIA program and was possibly even spirited into America under their “Operation Paperclip” program to incorporate seven hundred and sixty-five Nazi scientists into our “intelligence community.” Any atrocity at that time was rationalized by the Cold War: a communist threat took priority over the laws of the United States Constitution. At any rate, Mengele’s victims usually died but the CIA couldn’t be quite so prodigal. CIA at least needed a veneer of respectability.
The 1975 Church
Committee; the 1977 Senate hearing on MKUltra experiments; and
the 1995 SenateAdvisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
produced a list of medical professionals who helped the CIA force
vulnerable young humans to obey. Dr. George Estabrooks of
Colgate University bragged about creating hypno-programmed
couriers and worse: “I can hypnotize a man — without his
knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United
States.” British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas'
Hospital in London performed similar experiments. However McGill
University’s Donald Ewen Cameron, a psychiatrist, is
the most infamous culprit for his use of powerful drugs
and electroshock on unwilling “patients” who
were intentionally rendered comatose to bypass their
conscious awareness with brainwashing.
Randy added to that
pageant of villainy:
is a list of the medical establishments and doctors involved in
drugging and torturing children in the MkUltra program:
- [To Be Released]
for them, I have photos and a video that proves I am not crazy and
the memories I was having did happen. Note: These are but a few I
know of. There are probably 1000s throughout the United States who
took part in barbaric sadistic acts upon teens and children.
was drugged and tortured to the point I was begging for them to kill
me so I didn't have to suffer from the pain any longer. I was used as
a sex slave, drug mule and worse. I was sodomized and framed for
crimes I didn't commit. Years later I proved my case and was supposed
to get a 10 million dollar settlement but my family with the help of
the FBI and local law enforcement drugged me and took my settlement
money then split it between them. My Mother, Sisters, Brothers,
Aunts, Uncle, cousins, brother-in-law and his family took part of the
money. Two FBI Agents helped them along with some Snohomish Co.
Sheriff's deputy's all of which were paid off using portions of my
settlement money. Evil does not begin to describe the people
involved. They have done things to me over the years to keep me quiet
via threats to my life and framing me for crimes I didn't commit.
one of the media reports, they say the rear door lock was broken but
you can clearly see I re-locked the door to stop them from placing
Hinckley inside the car. I had the nuclear codes and needed to get
them to Reagan.
Sr. being behind the assassination attempt on Reagan is no longer a
conspiracy [theory]. I am the proof that these events occurred just as I said
they did.
family were going to lose their home and business because of taxes
owed, Bush made them a deal to use their son as the patsy for the
assassination attempt. He took all the blame and didn't tell anybody
why he shot Reagan, he didn't spend his time in a cell or hospital he
lived at home the entire time and only went back for interviews.
need to be honest with you VC. I am going to have to find a group of
people who don't mind getting their hands dirty and taking big risks.
Not risk like you think you are taking because to be honest you
aren't a risk to them. Without me you're just another conspiracy
theorist to the public.
are the ones who did this to me then made everybody in law
enforcement believe lies to cover up their pedophile ring. They
framed me for sex crimes against kids when I was the one trying to
protect them. The crap they did stuck so well they ended up all
joining in and groups would drug me and try to get me to sleep with
kids then claim I did because they knew they would get money to keep
it quiet so it didn't go to court. People have done this shit to me
using that drug over and over then leaving me with nothing but
memories of being traumatized.
of the most appalling memories he described to me was also key to the
rest of his experiences in Hollywood. Producer Bill Day used drugs
like "Devil's Breath" and adenochrome on children in order
to program and control them. He fed them the drugs to control Randy
as well as a movie star Jon Voight's little daughter Angie for whom Randy was
"nanny" and slave.
At some point, Randy confronted Day to try to stop him from abusing the kids. Day apparently decided to make sure Randy was accused of crimes that would strangle Randy's credibility. For starters, according to Randy, Bill Day drugged the child Angelina Jolie and instructed the small girl to make "Anton" (Randy's MKUltra alternate personality assigned to protect her) kill her dog, a little dog Randy recalls looked like a spotty, squatty Dachshund.
The little girl Angie commanded her slave but "Anton" couldn't bring himself to harm the dog. Probably Bill Day pressured her till she grew frustrated. As Anton/Randy was facing the dog, Angie grabbed a gardening hoe and, as the fifteen-year-old boy turned around, the girl swung the hoe and hit the dog in the skull, killing it.
Randy adds,
"Angie may not recall this but if she reads it she may start recalling the truth of what really happened when she was a child."
Randy adds,
"Angie may not recall this but if she reads it she may start recalling the truth of what really happened when she was a child."
Does Angelina Jolie remember that the teenage "Anton" ended up taking the blame to protect her from punishment?
Day was the adult actually responsible.
Angie killed the dog by hitting it with a gardening hoe. I had my back
turned and she had grabbed it and as I turned she had swung it and
hit the dog in the head. I recall crying when I'd seen what she did,
I was on that drug when she did it, she tried to make Anton [Randy's alternate MKUltra personality] kill the dog but he couldn't
do it so she grabbed the gardening hoe and hit her in the head with
it. It was fucking sad and I knew she was very messed up in the head
and I had to do something to try and help her. I can still remember
the moment I turned around and saw her swing it and hit the dog in
the head. It died quickly thankfully and didn't suffer long.
![]() |
THIS IS NOT THE DOG. I just want you to realize how appalling all this is! |
Celebrities in Hollywood were
told that Randy (AKA "Anton") had killed the dog. Randy was
also accused of raping Angelina as a child. Those accusations were
enough to cause several famous actors to abuse Randy in unspeakable
It's time to set the record
Randy proposed dramatic
methods to get into the public eye. It was September 2017 and he was
losing patience. I responded with a nonchalance I didn’t feel,
“Well, whatever you do, wait for a lull in the news cycle! Of
course they'll just create a false flag to distract from anything you
do though.”
Although Randy remained relatively nonchalant, the situation looked
increasingly desperate to me as the months passed. So I exaggerated my optimism: “There are
lots of Oath Keepers here who would also be a resource to you. I
think we should plan things very carefully. Write down exactly whom
you can trust, and exactly what they offer, and then ...look at
that.” Secretly I was terrified that Randy really did need my help.
I hid my panic. Despite my shortcomings, it seemed a viable option
that he’d come to my house and write this book with an established
author, maybe even me.
I assured him, “Folks in
this town know I'm not just a Conspiracy Theorist.” Of course there
were plenty of people in my community who wouldn’t hesitate to
think ill of me. But why sabotage ourselves with defeatism? We had
enough obstacles! CIA snipers may have us in their sights as I write
this. Or even worse dastardly plots may target us. “I don't trust
anyone either, I know anyone can be a satanist… And satanists of
course will do the bidding of the cabal scum.”
Randy had grown up in that
toxic milieu. It felt absurd to offer what little resources I had to
stand up to that criminal syndicate. I had no real clout or
influence. But if we were doomed to be murdered, I wanted Randy to
meet one genuinely good person before he died. I only fibbed to him a
little. Other than that, I was a good person!
Finally Randy agreed to
come visit me.
End of Chapter One
from the upcoming NON-FICTION
book by
VC Bestor,
of the non-profit,
a project encouraging women to
engage constructively with apex predators.
"Find the meat of
the matter"
Bestor on Twitter
You may ask, "How can he still be alive? Why didn't the cabal murder Turner?" One possibility is that he's being used by the (pro-Nazi) cabal to scapegoat Jews for the world's problems.