Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear, Oregon

Oregon saw more violence on Monday, this time from State officials assaulting taxpayers who were exercising our legal rights. The event was never declared a riot, and no warning was issued prior to the deployment of non-lethal rounds including pepper balls. Of course the ensuing arrests could have involved paid infiltrators. Who knows?

One fact is indisputable: we have a RIGHT to attend the State Congress. Oregon Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 14: The deliberations of each house, of committees of each house or joint committees and of committees of the whole, shall be open.” Sec. 26: "Assemblages of people; instruction of representatives; application to legislature. No law shall be passed restraining any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their Representatives; nor from applying to the Legislature for redress of grevances [sic]."
Good G-Men “just following orders” stopped us.

Covid statistics do not justify the destruction of our rights. On the contrary, Covid statistics prove that the “pandemic” is a scam to institute communist oppression right here, right now. (If you don’t know that “climate change” is being leveraged with equal deceit, please wake up.)

But the protest Monday wasn’t disheartening. True heroes arise in a crisis. One was Dallas Heard from Roseburg, a Christian whose speech in Congress was a deeply spiritual inspiration. “This is yet another illegitimate session in which you, the Democratic majority, have declared the people unfit to participate in person in their own Capitol building,” he said. “Let the record reflect that I am in fierce opposition to any legislation that this illegitimate assembly may pass today. You will be held accountable for this in the coming years.”

[Feb. Update: Dallas Heard elected Chairman of Oregon Republican Party]  

How satanic is the mainstream media, to dehumanize a group called “Patriot Prayer”? But what’s new. Anti-Constitution reporters carefully delineate leftist looters and arsonists as sanctimonious victims, while patriots are “violent anti-gay racists.” Yes, that’s Christian lovers of our shared nation. We’re “the problem” especially if we have the wrong skin.

Rep. Mike Nearman is being persecuted for daring to walk outside the building that day, opening a door that should not have been closed in the first place.

The contrast is laughable. Patriots are prevented from participating in democracy (our civic duty) while Oregon taxes subsidize the “Snack Bloc” catering for Antifa arsonists. Gov. Brown literally caters to violent anarchists. Patriotic civic duty is terrorism to her.

Gov. Brown should be terrified.

Why? Answer: because there is a God, and it ain’t hers.

A commenter from Monday said, “Don't forget about the children who were maced today at the capitol. All we wanted was to be let in to observe the session per the Oregon Constitution. We weren't asking to abolish the police, we weren't keeping people from going to work, we weren't rioting or looting. Just simply wanting to attend the special session.”

Another comment [sic]: “I was there. We are peaceful we want to watch the session..the rep from Beaverton leaned out his window and laughed at us.” - Jenga Owens

Indeed, “The Capitol belongs to the people of Oregon. Saying it’s unlawful assembly and trespassing is shocking. Citizens have the right to peaceably assemble.” - Brittany Sierra

“This violation of the Oregon Constitution is simply wrong. The members of the legislature should be ashamed of participating in this special session.” - Ralph Grutzmacher

Margo Logan said, "The inside security were frightened, not well trained, surprised and panicked in their response resulting in aiming wildly at faces not the body. We have a brave 12 year old girl who should be celebrated. We had these brave teens show up to fight for other teens who have killed themselves out of what Kate has done to kids. 
"This was a big win for patriots. ...After the initial incursion and skirmish the police stood down the rest of the day. ...
Patriots got a senator [Dallas Heard] to tear off his mask and tear into the leadership of the senate then came and talked to us." 

Representative E. Werner Reschke said, “IMHO it is power for power's sake. ...There is no reason this building cannot be open, and still meet the guidelines for a safe environment. It would TAKE much longer, but that's the cost in today's environment of EO's from the Governor. Everyone else seems to have to adapt. Why not the legislature?”

Antifa/BLM anarchists can burn down Portland and skate away bail-free, but citizens upholding Oregon’s Constitution are defamed as “far-right white supremacist terrorists” (even by FBI Director Wray!)

FBI is adding this article to my “terrorist” file even as I blog. Belly-crawling China-bought quislings whose Mamas never loved them! But I’m wishing them a Merry Christmas. And I thank Jesus for that. Praise the Lord and toss the politicians.

The author VC Bestor is Director of the 


"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter
and GAB

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Oregon Gov. Brown is being sued for her mask mandate by my friend Shannan. Almost killing her, her ex tried to smother Shannan, so she suffers post-traumatic panic when anything covers her face. I couldn’t join the lawsuit because I have no documented proof that my dad suffocated me with his body part down my throat when I was waist-high. The universal, indiscriminate mask edict – reducing airflow to our lungs – amounts to a forced medical procedure
So mask edicts violate the Nuremberg Code.

You may think it’s okay to suffocate us “for a good cause”. Masks however do NOT reduce infection rates. On the contrary, they correlate to more cases of positive tests. “You can increase your risk of getting COVID19 by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider. Folks who don't know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus” said Dr. Jerome Adams, US Surgeon General.

Yes, it’s creepy that this topic is censored online. Medical doctors who address it are deleted from Youtube, shadow-banned on Twitter and “deboosted” on Facebook. Studies that prove “masks harm” can’t get published. [See Neurologist Griesz Brisson, “Frontline Doctors”, & “Danish mask study”.]

Why are those doctors and scientists silenced?

Masks are pointless. The scientific proof is tricky to find because it’s scrubbed from the internet. See archived: “Why Face Masks Don’t Work” for dentists and oral surgeons. 

That journal states, “Literature reviews have confirmed that wearing a mask during surgery has no impact whatsoever on wound infection rates during clean surgery.” It quotes, “Yesterday’s Scientific Dogma is Today’s Discarded Fable” yet ironically the opposite now is true:

T o d a y ’ s  - S c i e n t i f i c  - D o g m a -  i s - 
Y e s t e r d a y ’ s - D i s c a r d e d - F a b l e.

Not even surgical masks reduce infections, let alone cloth ones. That fact was known by Dr. Fauci, the CDC and WHO when they originally recommended NOT wearing masks. WHO stands by their recommendation (unless you’re sick, or working with someone coughing, etc.) to remain bare faced.

No scientific study shows a health benefit to public masking. Malicious politicians and other big-pharma agents make a show of “Listen to the science” while they lie about masks. Their ultimate agenda is apparently to persuade you that “vaccines will allow us to return to normal life”. Vaccines are an extremely lucrative industry. 

That devious industry is covering up evidence that masks harm you. 

Researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons before and at the end of surgeries. Masks reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly; the longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels. A recent study aggressively popularized by pro-mask advocates only went on for 30 minutes.

Bad “science” is used as propaganda. 

20.9 percent of air is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, says the optimal range of oxygen for humans is 19.5 – 23.5%. Under a mask, O2 readings often drop to ~17.5%.

Reduced oxygen impairs mental clarity and can cause you to lose focus and make dangerous decisions. Long term, oxygen deprivation kills brain cells. [Cf. Neurologist Margareta Griesz-Brisson, MD]

The mask prevents your expelling humid air, resulting in bronchial moisture build-up that may cause pneumonia. Moist masks are a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. The rate of mask-caused infections has skyrocketed. Fibers from masks can lodge in your lungs, threatening pulmonary fibrosis. Once again, you have to dig to get valid statistics

[See Jim Meehan, MD for an excellent compilation of proof.]

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD worries: “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the lungs, olfactory nerves, and ….brain.” 

I personally get a headache just asking, “Pardon me?” to shop clerks whose mumbling indicates they may be trying to communicate with me behind their mandatory masks. 
“Sorry, what?”

Infants are proven to cry when they can’t see parents’ faces. Adults also need to see happy smiles. Masks prevent the range of nonverbal cues in our facial expressions. Masks deface and dehumanize us.

Do you believe we’re created in the image of God? Does the mask agenda seem outright sinister?

[Religious Mask Exemptions, 1st Amendment]

Masks violate our 14th-Amendment Constitutional right to free movement. Why isn't our right to inhale and exhale spelled out in the US Constitution? Our founding fathers just couldn't foresee that tyrants could be so depraved as to forbid our breathing.

“Mask-wearing has become a pathological obsession. The freedom of the open-faced is seen as a threat to [mask lovers’] safety and, more significantly, to their sense of commitment to a great cause. They fight the phantom danger.” Yet …. “they are enslaved by a virus.” - Cult of the Mask

TV tells us, “Masks show respect for others”. Yet, by feeding others’ hysteria, we do them no favor.

“What more defines the human spirit than love? Today, people are wearing harmful and useless masks; they are told not to get close to any other; they are…. locking themselves inside home prisons and are not even allowed to be with co-workers. People are becoming unrecognizable zombies, frightened of all strangers, friends, and even family. ... Communication is via a cold and impersonal computer screen. The idea of a robotic humanity without feeling now seems possible, and is even being promoted.... No good can come from this horror.” – Gary D. Barnett

Mainstream media is propaganda designed to control us with fear. That propaganda exaggerated the risk of CoVID. The survival rate is ~99.98% if you catch the virus. Do media emphasize how critical it is to maintain a healthy immune system? No, TV programs us to panic, endure unscientific masks as if it were a virtue, and restrict the oxygen intake we need to survive. They harm our immunity with stress.

Governors like Oregon Gov. Brown abuse their “emergency powers” to rationalize the masks, lockdown and other government overrreach. Since the CoVID-19 casualty rate now is officially recognized as not significantly greater than seasonal flu, there is no emergency.

The author VC Bestor is Director of the

"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter 

Here's a "Masks Harm" version you can print for the e-mask-ulated.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Feminism Is Not Ridiculous

Yes, everything about identity politics is vile. But bear with me.

Political correctness has become so extreme, society is coming full circle. The weaponized fraction of the population who is transgender (~.5% of people) has forced the 51% of us with XX chromosomes to defend women’s rights. Yes, we must have women’s sports! Girls can’t compete with men… not even in the Oppression Olympics!

Ugh, can you feel the slime of grievance culture creep into our chat? All that preoccupation with labels and genitals? Before you insist that feminism was ruined by false accusations of sexism and the #MeToo victimhood circus (epitomized in the SCOTUS Brett Kavanaugh gang-rape fraud), please, come to my parlor and have a seat. Can I get you some tea? 

Femininity is what I think can save feminism.

Feminism is worth saving because it can be soft landing pad for ex-liberal women (oh, sorry: cisgender menstruators) like me. We can say, “I’m a conservative now but I still care about girls’ sports and female advancement worldwide.” We don’t have to be completely disoriented. We can say, “I’m still a progressive in that I don’t abide by Saint Paul’s injunction against women speaking up in church. Christianity is a bulwark of conservative values. But even the Bible can’t override a woman’s Constitutional First-Amendment right to free speech in America. And I notice the Bible doesn’t mention abortion once. It doesn't even mention gynecological surgeries. Is it possible that the world has changed slightly in two thousand years?”

Feminism is also an essential defense for western civilization against Islamist terrorism, stealth jihad, and the Deep State’s use of Muslim separatism for black-supremacist violence like the murder of white cops and BLM riots. The physical reality of females (smaller stature, pregnancy, caring for infants and children, etc.) is a vulnerability that can open hearts to defend them against evil. We can stand against Muslim sexism, honor killings, child brides, “Eve teasing,” and being forced to marry your rapist…

(Sorry to have to share this photo. May God’s love cradle the hearts of all who suffer.) 

The Democrats’ support for late-term and “post-birth abortion” infanticide has horrified and repelled a lot of Left-leaning women. Who doesn’t know that motherhood is sacred? Well, did you notice during the Cov!d scamdemic when conservatives protested the (unscientific) mask mandates by ironically saying, “My Body, My Choice”? Preserving feminism can protect your body from totalitarian medical assaults like mandatory vaccines. The “right to choose” is something even liberals can understand.

Sorry to bring up abortion again. (Don’t spill your tea! Say, would you like a biscuit?) I’m an incest survivor whose dad choked a little girl (me) with his dick. So the mask mandate suffocates me doubly.  Power is abused. I'm bothered by right-wing slathering over the death of SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Once a boyfriend reached in and pulled out my diaphragm, saying, “I’ll get you pregnant so you’ll really belong to me.” Yes, these things really do happen. And abortion is a topic I’d be happy to debate with you. 

My godlike ability to create life shouldn't end my basic human right to sovereignty over my own body. 

My body is my own property and I will deal appropriately with anyone who thinks otherwise.

To me, feminism is a woman being accountable for herself.

I’ve traveled the world, seeing first-hand the damage of rigid gender roles and oppression of girls. I’ve endured decades of the satanic elites’ exploitation of sexuality. I’m old enough to have had a mother who really was stifled by being identified only as a sex object and a mommy. We in USA can be free from that prison. Femininity should be liberating, empowering and fun! 

Note to Kamala Harris: Rape is the last thing any real feminist would exploit.

I adore the song “I’m Proud to be an American (God Bless the USA)” that Trump plays at rallies. But it’s a gut punch when Lee Greenwood sings, “I won’t forget the men who died to give that right to me.” Women like me risk everything to do what’s right. Must we be negated even beyond martyrdom? How hard is it to change the lyric to “Those who died”?

But thanks for the reminder that yes, I’m still a feminist. I think women count. Even dead ones.

I love men but find female beauty to be right up there with Mother Nature as the crowning glory of God’s Creation. So I’ll close with another photo of my favorite feminist heroine. May we wield our XX chromosomes with glee!

The author VC Bestor is Director of the

"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Oregon Fires and Antifa Arson

Arson is a time-honored tactic of terrorists

The Oregon Department of Forestry said there have been forty-two fires in the last week. Nineteen are under investigation and NONE were caused by lightning strikes. 

Many were started along interstates. An airborne incendiary device was just found in an Oregon forest. Over a dozen people have been charged recently with setting wildfires on the West Coast.

Mainstream media is blaming high winds that downed power lines. Coincidentally, power poles have been chainsawed by vandals.

Also coincidentally, Gov. Brown sent six (over half) of our firefighting helicopters to Afghanistan in May because there are never, ever wildfires in Oregon in the summer. National Guard wasn't called till the fires had raged for four days. Do you wonder if the fires were left to burn on purpose?

Even on the emergency alert, the high winds were spun as “historic.” What's truly historic is the degree of hysteria that our ruling elites will whip up to benefit them politically.

When I see the latest climate-change propaganda, I think of the technology that exists to cause gales. The Deep State wouldn't hesitate to use any evil to depose Trump. Obama's globalist cabal just has to make their smoke photos be orange to ensure that gullible voters are on board with their "Orange Man Bad" agenda.

They wanna talk history? Historically, satellite imagery of perfectly square clouds suggest that Obama used weather manipulation to freeze out DAPL (pipeline) protesters in 2016. (Evidence of such geoengineering is often scrubbed from Youtube.) 

Massive Australian fires turned out to include climate activist arson. In 2019, Australian law enforcement arrested more than 180 people for causing bushfires. 

There is growing evidence that the Oregon wildfires are politics. Exhibit A: the avalanche of lamestream-media articles preemptively absolving Antifa of any implication in wildfires, despite the anty fascists starting fires in Portland for the past three months.

"If the police need suspects in the investigation of these deadly fires, I know some criminals who have been practicing their arson skills for more than a hundred nights in downtown Portland…knowing that the local DA won’t prosecute because he agrees with their politics." ~ Lars Larson

I'll update here periodically. Also see the hashtag #ArsonExposed.

[Arsonists in maroon Lexus stopped from incinerating a hayfield today near Silverton]

[Arsonists arrested in Clackamas County today]

"There’s people stashing stuff [like gas cans]. It means they’re going to go in preparation. I don’t want to sound like a doomsdayer but it’s getting serious.
We need the public’s help on this.”

Police tie 5 different fires to arson 

Need I mention that mainstream media is dismissing all this evidence as a "right-wing conspiracy"... so nevermind that I'm a tree-hugging feminazi who has critiqued Q Anon?

The author VC Bestor is Director of the 
a project encouraging women to engage constructively with apex predators.

"Find the meat of the matter"

V.C Bestor on Twitter,
Linked In and on GAB

Oregon Dept Forestry

  Related: Arson in Utah

Bbbbut they're "mostly peaceful" protesters who would NEVER harm the environment!

My response: FBI hasn't been a 'trusted source'
since #SpyGate

FBI is running interference for Antifa terrorists.

Satanic elites who defund police want us to think the REAL problem is ordinary citizens protecting their property from ruin and defending their own lives.

Meanwhile, Conservatives are mocked for recommending
techniques to reduce fire danger in our forests.

Just FYI:

2021 Update:

Monday, August 17, 2020

Exposing the Occult Corona Ritual

Guest Blog
censored by Facebook

The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been cleverly adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised as genuine public health strategies. As I covered in previous articles, this pandemic is a 9-11 type event which has been meticulously planned for decades.

The people who run the world, whom I often call the New World Order (NWO) conspirators, leave very little to chance. They are black magicians, and they are running this live exercise in a similar fashion to how they run their secret Satanic rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to take initiates out of their normal mode of existence, break them down, engender submission, remold them in the likeness of their leaders, and then finally, return them to a new normal where they cannot return to their old ways and lives.

Corona-Initiation Ritual: Lockdown and Quarantine (Isolation)

Any good ritual requires preparation. The first part of an initiation ritual is isolation. This isolation serves to separate the initiate from the mundane (“of the world”) affairs of his life. It is often done by cutting all ties with the outside world. Sometimes, the initiate may be sent into a dark room or cave; this also suggests a coming re-birth from a dark womb. Nowadays this isolation also requires separation from technology and everything that comes with it (phones, computers, emails, social media, etc.). The sensory deprivation sends the initiate afloat where she is less tethered to beliefs and behaviors.

In Operation Coronavirus, the lockdown and quarantine were the isolation aspect of the ritual. Those aware of the situation noticed that quarantining an entire community of healthy people was a contradiction in terms, because the very word quarantine means “a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.” Thus by definition one cannot quarantine uninfected, healthy people; one can only quarantine infected, sick people. However the agenda was to isolate people by any means necessary to achieve the first step of initiation. 

Corona-Initiation Ritual: Hand-Washing (Rejection)

Another element of the ritual has been the obsessive and compulsive focus on hand washing. While hand washing in general is a good hygienic activity which can help limit spread of disease, Operation Coronavirus has taken it to a completely new level of OCD anxiety (by design, of course). Symbolically, the washing of hands is reminiscent of the story of Pontius Pilate from the bible, who washed his hands of the matter regarding the fate of Jesus of Nazareth, and refused to either punish him or set him free. From this perspective, hand-washing is about rejection. But who or what is being rejected? The ‘old normal’ of freedom? 

Corona-Initiation Ritual: Mask-Wearing 
(Censorship, Submission, Dehumanization, Alternate Persona)

Fourthly, masks are often used by the elite themselves at their parties and rituals. Remember the Satanic sexual orgy scene from Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut? Masks hide identity. They hasten the ‘death’ of the old identity. Masks create an alternate persona. This ties in with the incredibly important theme of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and mind control. In mind control, a ‘handler’ uses torture and abuse to force the victim to dissociate. This is where their minds split off and detach from reality in order to deal with the tremendous pain which is being inflicted upon them. It’s an inbuilt mental defensive strategy. However, in doing so, the victim creates multiple ‘alters’ or personalities which are disconnected from their base personality. These alters do not know about the existence of other alters; thus the victim can be programmed to do things (e.g. become a sex slave or an assassin) and not recall doing them, because an alter can be triggered to come forward and then return to the subconscious after the event. When it comes to mind control, masks are symbolic of the hidden aspects or personas of ourselves which the NWO controllers are deliberately targeting with their subliminal propaganda.

Mask-wearing is a huge topic in many ways. In the article Unmasking the Truth: Studies Show Dehumanizing Masks Weaken You and Don’t Protect You I covered some of the medical reasons why wearing a mask is not only medically useless if you want to protect yourself from COVID, but also potentially harmful to your health. However, there are many layers deeper when it comes to the ritualistic aspects of masks. Firstly, masks connote censorship, the covering of one’s mouth, gagging and the suppression of a free voice. Think how many images depicting censorship show a person with tape over their mouth. Censorship has been a massive part of this agenda, even before it officially happened, with all the Event 201 aficionados practicing their simulation for hours about how they would control the official narrative and censor alternative viewpoints. Secondly, masks symbolize submission, the giving up of unrestricted access to oxygen. This entire agenda is not about the virus; it’s about control. It’s about forcing people to submit to the will of the NWO manipulators, even when it is legally and medically unwarranted. Thirdly, masks are reminiscent of robots. They are dehumanizing. They remove one’s ability to see fully into another person’s face. They create distance and separation in people, make it harder for us to communicate via body language and make it harder for us to have empathy for others, since that empathy is often based on truly seeing another person. 

Corona-Initiation Ritual: Social Distancing (The New Normal)

Once the ritual heads towards completion, the initiate comes out into a new mode of thinking and a new manner of behaving. He is remade in the image of his handlers or manipulators who conducted the ritual. In the case of COVID, the end goal is the new normal where everyone is permanently separated and disconnected (as well as tested, tracked, contact traced, monitored, surveilled, medicated and vaccinated). Social distancing is really anti-social distancing; it’s all about removing the human touch from our interactions. That touch is what makes us human. 

The Overarching Goal of the Ritual: Destroying the Old and Creating the New

If I were to sum up the entire corona-initiation ritual with one concept, it would be this old, tried and true one. Ordo ab chao. The Hegelian dialectic. Problem-reaction-solution. The phoenix rising out of ashes. All of these phrases point towards the same method: destroying the old to make way for creating the new. This method in and of itself is not bad; it’s all about how it is used. The true purpose of ritual is to alter one’s mind and character, and it can be done consciously or unconsciously, wittingly or unwittingly. Ritual can be used for white magic just as much as black magic, e.g. you can use this technique to conquer destructive habits within yourself and become a better person. It’s just that in the context of the worldwide conspiracy, this method is used by the NWO conspirators to make the world a less free, less peaceful, more controlled and more hierarchical place.
Final Thoughts

Operation Coronavirus is a worldwide ritual, and its many elements are highly symbolic. People are being led along as unwitting participants without a clue as to how they are unconsciously supporting the deeper agenda (e.g. by cooperating with their own enslavement, acquiescing to ridiculous restrictions and even actively policing their fellow citizens). The fact that this fake coronavirus pandemic is a ritual is not surprising, given that the inner core of the NWO are Satanists who practice black magic. As surviving whistleblowers attest, some of their Satanic rituals involve rape, hunting humans like animals, mass orgies, drinking human blood, cannibalism and child sacrifice. We must remain vigilant to the deeper symbolic aspects of this agenda if we are to truly retain our rights and our freedom in the face of this darkness.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Lawyers who Protect Us from Masks

Masks are a symbol of defacing, silencing and depersoning. No wonder the enemies of human rights love masks!

"If you are not sick, you should not wear a mask.....The main driver of transmission is by directly inhaling droplets released when an infected person sneezes or coughs in close proximity of another. However, well or asymptomatic individuals are not coughing and sneezing." ~
Vern Saboe Jr., DC, FACO

Some stores are taking a common-sense approach:

Many lawyers are stepping up to defend victims of mask edicts.

Mike Yoder

No photo description available.


There are several law firms that focus

on our Constitutional rights.

Lawsuits state that the rights being violated fall under the Fourth Amendment (which protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure) and the Fifth Amendment (which protects against private property being taken for public use). The plaintiffs argue the state seized their property by shuttering them, taking them for the “asserted public use of risk minimization.”

Civil Rights Challenge to Unconstitutional Mask Mandate  in Florida

States lack the authority to mandate masks anywhere but state property. Judge Napolitano told Fox News, “If a person is known to be contagious, the state could require that person to be quarantined or wear a mask, but anything short of that, the state cannot interfere with that person’s freedom….

“The federal government could compel wearing masks on federal property. A military facility, the post office, government buildings…. The state government could compel wearing masks on state property: the DMV, state colleges.... But on property that the government doesn’t own, the feds have no authority to compel wearing a mask, and the states can only compel it when people are sick.”

“In terms of police stopping you on the street or giving you a summons or a court imposing a fine, absolutely not,” Judge Napolitano concluded. “First of all, these mayors and gubernatorial edicts are just suggestions. They are not the law.”

Masks are the inch before the mile, using covid as an excuse for the globalist Deep-State cabal to mandate more vaccines. Never mind that it's well documented that masks don’t even reduce infections. "Masks are a petri dish strapped to your face!"


Remember this? 

Why yes, I have been licensed by my State Medical Board since the 1980s. And I'm printing the following flyer out for folks who don't want to be suffocated to satisfy tyrants' lust for power!

The author VC Bestor is Director of the

"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter
and GAB



More citizens' wisdom from Facebook:
 "I am in a state that has a treasonous governor who issued a face mask executive order. Stores are posting signs that say "face mask is required to enter."
So ... I went to a store. Face mask signs plastered on the front doors (lots of them). I walked in. Everybody had on a face mask. Workers, customers. Everybody.
Except me.
I just went about my business. Got my stuff. The cashier checked me out. Paid. Walked out. Nobody said a damn thing.
A few customers looked at me like a 5-year old who wanted to tell mommy about what I was doing (or not doing), but nobody said anything. The cashier was super friendly and said nothing at all about face masks.
Before I went, I was prepared, just in case --
I went to the gov's website and printed out the EO. I read it. You should, too, if you are in one of these states.
I highlighted important parts and put it in my pocket, so I would have it if I wanted to show it to someone. Here are the relevant parts:

Some people are completely exempt from the EO. This includes any person with a medical condition where wearing a face mask could pose a health risk (this is everybody, actually, since we all need to breathe oxygen, not carbon dioxide -- funny how the retarded climate change hoaxers are totally cool with everyone breathing their own carbon dioxide).
Business cannot ask me what my medical condition is.
Business cannot violate any law related to discrimination, which would trump the EO (all laws trump the EO).
Police cannot use the EO as a reason to violate any individual's constitutional rights (this is the weasel clause used to try to cover the governor's ass for pushing an unconstitutional, unlawful order, such as the EO).
Maximum fine is $100. Even this is irrelevant because governors do not have authority to create these "laws," much less impose a fine. That is the legislature's job.

In the USA, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, "anything in the laws of any state to the contrary not withstanding." - Article 6
No person may be "deprived of liberty without due process of law." - 5th Amendment
No state may deprive any person of liberty without due process of law. - 14th Amendment
Every person's liberty is infringed where they are required to wear a mask, which harms their health, unless it is proven in a court of law (due process) that they are IN FACT (not just in theory) that they ARE (not just "might be") a danger to others without such infringement.
Ultimately, there is a maximum fine of $100, and that case would never make it to court in the first place. The charges would be dropped, because even the dumbass attorneys know they can't prosecute such a case.
DO NOT WEAR A MASK. If it is a condition of your employment, then maybe you gotta do what you gotta do. Other than that, "just say no."
BTW: Executive orders are for the purpose of directing the EMPLOYEES of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the government to carry out some policy of the chief executive (President on the federal side, and the governors on the state side). Read any of Trump's EO's and you will see that the order is ALWAYS directed at the people working in the executive branch of the federal government, and no one else. Not the legislative branch. Not the judicial branch. Not the states. Not the People. Only the employees working in the executive branch of the federal government. That is the ONLY authority that a president or a governor has when issuing executive orders. Governors are not dictators, and they cannot violate their oath of office by pretending to be. That is why the weasel clause about individual rights and the constitution is buried at the end of the EO. It is a CYA clause, in case the gov gets sued.
These governors are violating their oaths' of office -- IF these EO's are actually legally enforced. And if they are not enforced, they are committing fraud through intimidation.