Thursday, October 29, 2020


Oregon Gov. Brown is being sued for her mask mandate by my friend Shannan. Almost killing her, her ex tried to smother Shannan, so she suffers post-traumatic panic when anything covers her face. I couldn’t join the lawsuit because I have no documented proof that my dad suffocated me with his body part down my throat when I was waist-high. The universal, indiscriminate mask edict – reducing airflow to our lungs – amounts to a forced medical procedure
So mask edicts violate the Nuremberg Code.

You may think it’s okay to suffocate us “for a good cause”. Masks however do NOT reduce infection rates. On the contrary, they correlate to more cases of positive tests. “You can increase your risk of getting COVID19 by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider. Folks who don't know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus” said Dr. Jerome Adams, US Surgeon General.

Yes, it’s creepy that this topic is censored online. Medical doctors who address it are deleted from Youtube, shadow-banned on Twitter and “deboosted” on Facebook. Studies that prove “masks harm” can’t get published. [See Neurologist Griesz Brisson, “Frontline Doctors”, & “Danish mask study”.]

Why are those doctors and scientists silenced?

Masks are pointless. The scientific proof is tricky to find because it’s scrubbed from the internet. See archived: “Why Face Masks Don’t Work” for dentists and oral surgeons. 

That journal states, “Literature reviews have confirmed that wearing a mask during surgery has no impact whatsoever on wound infection rates during clean surgery.” It quotes, “Yesterday’s Scientific Dogma is Today’s Discarded Fable” yet ironically the opposite now is true:

T o d a y ’ s  - S c i e n t i f i c  - D o g m a -  i s - 
Y e s t e r d a y ’ s - D i s c a r d e d - F a b l e.

Not even surgical masks reduce infections, let alone cloth ones. That fact was known by Dr. Fauci, the CDC and WHO when they originally recommended NOT wearing masks. WHO stands by their recommendation (unless you’re sick, or working with someone coughing, etc.) to remain bare faced.

No scientific study shows a health benefit to public masking. Malicious politicians and other big-pharma agents make a show of “Listen to the science” while they lie about masks. Their ultimate agenda is apparently to persuade you that “vaccines will allow us to return to normal life”. Vaccines are an extremely lucrative industry. 

That devious industry is covering up evidence that masks harm you. 

Researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons before and at the end of surgeries. Masks reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly; the longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels. A recent study aggressively popularized by pro-mask advocates only went on for 30 minutes.

Bad “science” is used as propaganda. 

20.9 percent of air is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, says the optimal range of oxygen for humans is 19.5 – 23.5%. Under a mask, O2 readings often drop to ~17.5%.

Reduced oxygen impairs mental clarity and can cause you to lose focus and make dangerous decisions. Long term, oxygen deprivation kills brain cells. [Cf. Neurologist Margareta Griesz-Brisson, MD]

The mask prevents your expelling humid air, resulting in bronchial moisture build-up that may cause pneumonia. Moist masks are a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. The rate of mask-caused infections has skyrocketed. Fibers from masks can lodge in your lungs, threatening pulmonary fibrosis. Once again, you have to dig to get valid statistics

[See Jim Meehan, MD for an excellent compilation of proof.]

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD worries: “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the lungs, olfactory nerves, and ….brain.” 

I personally get a headache just asking, “Pardon me?” to shop clerks whose mumbling indicates they may be trying to communicate with me behind their mandatory masks. 
“Sorry, what?”

Infants are proven to cry when they can’t see parents’ faces. Adults also need to see happy smiles. Masks prevent the range of nonverbal cues in our facial expressions. Masks deface and dehumanize us.

Do you believe we’re created in the image of God? Does the mask agenda seem outright sinister?

[Religious Mask Exemptions, 1st Amendment]

Masks violate our 14th-Amendment Constitutional right to free movement. Why isn't our right to inhale and exhale spelled out in the US Constitution? Our founding fathers just couldn't foresee that tyrants could be so depraved as to forbid our breathing.

“Mask-wearing has become a pathological obsession. The freedom of the open-faced is seen as a threat to [mask lovers’] safety and, more significantly, to their sense of commitment to a great cause. They fight the phantom danger.” Yet …. “they are enslaved by a virus.” - Cult of the Mask

TV tells us, “Masks show respect for others”. Yet, by feeding others’ hysteria, we do them no favor.

“What more defines the human spirit than love? Today, people are wearing harmful and useless masks; they are told not to get close to any other; they are…. locking themselves inside home prisons and are not even allowed to be with co-workers. People are becoming unrecognizable zombies, frightened of all strangers, friends, and even family. ... Communication is via a cold and impersonal computer screen. The idea of a robotic humanity without feeling now seems possible, and is even being promoted.... No good can come from this horror.” – Gary D. Barnett

Mainstream media is propaganda designed to control us with fear. That propaganda exaggerated the risk of CoVID. The survival rate is ~99.98% if you catch the virus. Do media emphasize how critical it is to maintain a healthy immune system? No, TV programs us to panic, endure unscientific masks as if it were a virtue, and restrict the oxygen intake we need to survive. They harm our immunity with stress.

Governors like Oregon Gov. Brown abuse their “emergency powers” to rationalize the masks, lockdown and other government overrreach. Since the CoVID-19 casualty rate now is officially recognized as not significantly greater than seasonal flu, there is no emergency.

The author VC Bestor is Director of the

"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter 

Here's a "Masks Harm" version you can print for the e-mask-ulated.