Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Love Thy Liberal Neighbor

Humility may be what made me an ex-Liberal. I had to admit that, in my self-righteous superiority to Conservatives, I spread malicious propaganda. How harmful had my imagined virtue actually been?
In fact, my ideals of socialism and nature worship could undermine the human rights that I thought I was promoting!

Power corrupts, so it must be dispersed among the multitude. And the idea that all men (and women) are created equal, ennobled by self-governance, honors each of us as a child of God: democracy was my true religion. The “Democrat” Party has transmuted that sterling brand into tinsel. Yet I bristle at Conservatives who announce, “We don’t have a democracy, we have a Republic,” a technicality that grates on me like someone insisting, “Don’t call your car your ‘wheels.’”

I have to get along with those jerks now I’m an ex-Liberal. I have to smile at people who hate feminists and consider me inferior to a fetus. Don’t get me wrong: I know Jesus is alive in spirit. I have a personal relationship with Him, albeit not like a good disciple but more like a petulant little sister (“Yeah, Jeez, you transcended and transform death. But you also spawned how many hundreds of Catholic priests raping kids?”)

Ahem. To move on. Right-wing patriots espouse the “Golden Triangle of Freedom.” I agree that democracy doesn’t function without Judeo-Christian values. I have Good News about how to Love Thy Neighbor! You know the easiest way to see past differences? We can bond against a common enemy. Plenty of ex-Liberals like me have cottoned onto Deep State. However, unlike right-wing Christians, we’re brainwashed to ignore how the shadow globalist government uses satanism to control their operatives and dupes. I know that many Liberals will disavow satanism once they realize it’s intrinsic to Deep State’s sabotage of democracy.

The infotainment industry of course seduces us with all manner of evil. Be patient with folks who have trouble extricating themselves from that siren’s Napalm embrace. You might help decontaminate them by gently explaining, "All mainstream media is designed to distract you from the truly important issues."

Polemicists (Ann Coulter, Hollywood, etc.) divide and conquer us for their Deep-State masters. They get us to demonize each other to distract from elite crime syndicates. Pointing fingers at anyone except the top perpetrators is counter-productive. Why put allies like me on the defensive because I (for instance) avoid polluting, get uppity about rape, prefer sharing to capitalism, and appreciate Tarot-card archetypes? People like me don’t need to become stereotypical Conservatives to be vital to our country.

And we wise up. We eventually see that witchcraft, however popular, poisons the user’s soul by feeding narcissism. Eventually, those of us who learned new-age cultivation of the Self notice that ironically it doesn’t work unless you give your power to a guru or group of some (satanic) sort. Hedonistic pagans can discover that satanism is used to brainwash, compromise and control seemingly admirable people among us to commit crimes that corrode our quality of life. The “prosperity consciousness” they marketed to us was designed for people who literally sold their souls.

Grandiose promises from “enlightened” teachers collide with reality. For instance, who isn’t shattered by how women’s empowerment has culminated in “post-birth abortions”? And, while we meditate for “planetary healing,” how many environmental icons have been exposed as brazen hypocrites? And anyone who pays a scrap of attention recognizes the 2016 Primary election fraud and the attempted coup d’etat underway by our supposed champions of democracy. Can you believe we ever voted for those traitors? Meanwhile, our values of reason, education, free speech and tolerance have degenerated into hysterical, anti-history, racist political correctness. Are we self-actualized, or perennially self-deluded?

It’s time for Liberals to stop feeling superior to Conservatives. We must thank them: right-wing bulwarks like the 2nd Amendment are the only thing that kept the satanic globalists from destroying the last vestiges of democracy. Of course Conservatives can forgive us for failing to jump on the Republican bandwagon since everyone knows that many in the GOP are as corrupt and perverted as Hillary. (Franklin Scandal, anyone?)

And the right wing can recall that that Christianity represents some leftist values like socialism (Matt 25:31–46, Acts 2:44-45), going with the flow (Matt 6:28), and voluntary poverty (Matt 19:21, Acts 5:1-4). (Of course liberals ignore the huge difference between according all power to God, and ceding all human rights to Big Government.) 

There’s no mention of abortion in the Bible. However, Jesus says divorce disobeys God, then he explains that remarriage amounts to adultery and therefore violates the Ten Commandments (Matt 19:4). No, I can’t cast that stone. Can you?

Jesus (whom, for the record, I revere) also promised his disciples (Luke 21:32) that the Kingdom of God would be established before their generation had passed away. I often get dates wrong and I wouldn’t blame anyone for questioning my credibility if I missed a date by two thousand years or so. (Did the Son of Man made a human mistake? Maybe the 2nd Coming already came.) 

College graduates have those annoying bumper-stickers that say, “Facts Matter.” (Never mind if they don't have a clue that evolution has been disproven, and science is biased and bought.)

Sharia is why any self-respecting Christian should feel proud to be a feminist: Islam’s treatment of women is an absolute disgrace. But Christian men must not get cocky. Women aren’t just vessels for your sacred jizz, we’re actual complete human beings whose miraculous gifts do not belong to you. Satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati often use us as breeding units. Do not.

How can we have a meaningful conversation with liberals? Propagandists program terms like "deep state" to trigger instant denial and smug snickering. If we cite anything liberals are brainwashed to believe are "conspiracy theories," they'll ridicule your love of truth. So instead mention tangential facts like, "George Bush and his clan endorsed Hillary Clinton for president," and "The CIA was proven to traffic illegal drugs," or maybe "Obama bombed seven countries." Then smile politely.

The best way to get Liberals to turn away from satanism, of course, is to embody its opposite.
So I’d like to thank you from the center of my humble soul for all the wonderful things you do to honor the glory of God’s Creation. Amen!

The author VC Bestor is Director of the 
"Find the meat of the matter"
V.C Bestor on Twitter
and GAB

...And of course:

...leading to the renowned protest chant:
What do we want?
"Constitutional representative republic!"
When do we want it?
"On the schedule of the republic's representatives, if they're not too busy with a bogus impeachment!"

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